It's inevitable.
You will not agree with every person that you work with in ministry. This can occur because you think totally different from the person you're bumping heads with, or because of a misunderstanding, or due to different goals or mindsets...or you may not even be sure why you don't see eye to eye.
You will not agree with every person that you work with in ministry. This can occur because you think totally different from the person you're bumping heads with, or because of a misunderstanding, or due to different goals or mindsets...or you may not even be sure why you don't see eye to eye.
So what do you do when you're involved in a disagreement among ministry workers?
- Don't assume the problem is them. Always begin with self-examination first. What did I do to contribute to the problem? What could I have done differently? Don't discount the notion that you and your ideas aren't perfect either.
- Lower your ego. Make sure that your feelings are not fueled by a need to be right, seen, or in charge. All of these things have no place in ministry.
- Don't lower your standards. You aren't responsible for what they do, but you are ultimately responsible for how you react. Even if you have to be silent. Trust me, IT'S EASIER SAID THAN DONE, but it is possible! Let the holy ghost lead and you take a back seat.
- Remember, you don't have to agree. As a matter of fact, truth be told, you don't even have to be friends. If an immediate resolution isn't possible, work toward your common goals and move forward in mutual respect until things are resolved.
- Compromise, but know your limits. Be willing and open to give in a little, but if you feel strongly about something, especially as it relates to pleasing God, bettering the people you serve, or accomplishing the goals you've set, stand firm. Know what you are and are not willing to compromise in order to try and bridge the gap between you and the other party.
- Keep the main thing the MAIN THING. The ministry, the people, and ultimately God are what's most important. Don't be guilty of majoring in minors and minoring in majors. God stands behind you when your true aim and heart's intent is the main thing. What's the main thing? To bless God's people and give God the glory.
You'll never agree on everything. Find your common areas of agreement, and work diligently from there.
Great read!
Good stuff, Jeremiah!!
Great Tips J!!!
Absolutely. All conflict isn't a bad thing either, it can be geared for positive change when needed, too. But like you said, it's all about knowing what the main thing is and keeping your actions and intentions relevant to it. Great read!
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