Friday, March 6, 2015

3. Grace

The topic of "grace" seems to cause quite a stir these days.  The prevailing question seems to be, "Does grace run out?"  Here's a few things that I think we should remember about grace.

1. Grace comes from God.

We are not the inventors of grace, therefore we cannot control where grace is applied.  It's a gift that we receive from God.  God is the ultimate and sole executor of grace.  A person can't take it from you.  Conversely, there's nothing you can do to keep it if it's gone.  That control is God's and God's alone.

2. Grace is a gift.

Grace is given to us by God.  We cannot afford grace.  God knows this.  That's why He gives it to us freely.  We can't earn and do not deserve it.  It's not merit-based.  It's simply a gift from God.

3. Grace is different than mercy.

While grace deals with favor given to us because we need it for everyday life and assignments, mercy is the absence of final judgment when we do wrong.  Grace is an addition on top of the everyday mercies that we receive.  Mercy says "don't punish him according to his wrong", but grace says "treat him like he never did the wrong".

4. Grace is sufficient.

We're imperfect.  We fall short.  God's grace never does.  His grace can reach where you can't and can do what you can't.  Do your best, but know that God's grace follows you along with His mercy everyday of your life.

Why are we so caught up in trying to earn God's grace?  Why do we sometimes try to revoke grace from those who we deem unworthy?  Taking grace from another won't give you any extra.  These activities are pointless.  The best thing we can do with our gift of grace is to simply receive it.

Grace is not a pass.  Grace is not a medal.  Grace is just grace...and without it we would all fall flat on our faces.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing read! Proud of you sir!