Monday, April 11, 2016

Jeremiah Worrell Music: Music Ministry That Works for YOU

Well, here goes nothing.....
I've been dreaming for years.  Now, it's time to put my dreams into action.

Jeremiah Worrell Music
Music Ministry That Works for YOU

I consider myself a supporter, one who supports the visions of others, helps to carry out the plans of those I'm connected to. Most people who don't know me won't believe it, but although I've found myself in the front in ministry for years now, I've always had a certain level of discomfort with being out front. Besides, helping is easier than creating.  The level of responsibility automatically doubles, triples even as soon as you are the primary person in command.  Although I serve in leadership within my local church and have done so now for almost 15 years, I answer to a couple of levels of leadership that cover the ministries that have been placed in my hands.  The ministries I lead in my church are a part of the larger vision of my church and Pastors.  I am extremely grateful for these opportunities and I endeavor to always carry the weight of them with grace and to give them every fiber of my being.

But, what about what God has given ME to do...alone? 

I believe wholeheartedly that God expects us to serve in our local churches, but I also believe that there are times when God calls us to share what He's given us personally beyond just our local sphere.  We all have a unique set of experiences that makes us qualified for whatever God has called us to.  Each of our qualifications are different than anyone else's, like a ministry DNA.  Our make up, our upbringing, our training, our interactions, our pain, our triumphs all shape us to be able to better those with whom we come in contact.

I never knew growing up in eastern North Carolina, attending a small rural church, and leading a choir in a small ministry at the age of 12 would prepare me to lead two stellar choirs today in a world-renowned ministry. It doesn't add up, but God used it to make me who I am.  But it doesn't end there.

Working in my current capacities has given me the training to be able to share with other ministries, ministers of music, directors, praise and worship leaders, and even Pastors about the ins and outs of music ministry excellence. My goal with Jeremiah Worrell Music is to share what I've learned with church music ministries and their leaders to guide them to the next level in their musicality, organization, structure, presentation, and overall ministry.  I don't have self-promoting visions of grandeur, but I do have tunnel vision of sharing the wealth, paying it forward, and being an asset to the body of Christ.  And this is just beginning.....

I'm right where God wants me, 
and I can't wait to see what He's going to do with me next.
Stay tuned.  More to come.....
Jeremiah Worrell Music
Music Ministry That Works for YOU

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